Pupil Premium
Pupil premium funding is additional funding for schools, issued by the government, to help support and raise attainment for disadvantaged pupils.
The school decides how the pupil premium funding is spent using their professional judgement and knowledge of how best to support the individual’s needs. Pupil premium funding can be allocated to pupils from low-income families who are eligible for free-school meals, families who have been on benefits within the last 6 years, Looked After Children and children with parents in the Armed Forces. Pupil Premium Grant for Looked After Children is held by the local Virtual School and is applied for by the school the pupil attends through a set process.
There is the opportunity for schools to apply for extra funding to support students who have been in care, adopted or are currently in the care of a guardian. Carers/parents must approach the school if they want the school to apply for this funding. Please contact Mrs Andreou for more information.
There are conditions to the school being able to access this additional funding for your child.
Criteria- Your child must have:
- been adopted in the UK
- a special guardianship order
- a child arrangements order
- a residence order
Pupil Premium Funding
At Stony Dean School, data sources closely track the progress and attainment of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding. Where under performance is identified as part of the on-going curriculum and/or termly tracking process, short term interventions are identified and implemented. Analysis of the reasons for underperformance takes place and these are also addressed, either on a specific pupil basis or in terms of reviewing and improving school-wide policy and practice.
In addition to data analysis pupil progress is tracked through scrutinies and meetings. During these methods staff members review equal amounts of work from both pupil premium pupils and non-pupil premium pupils. Also when we conduct pupil progress meetings throughout the year, staff members discuss progress of the disadvantaged pupils and their interventions and then any non-pupil premium pupils who have been identified as ‘below’ or ‘at risk’ of not making expected progress. There is analysis of data for different pupils groups within Pupil Premium as well as comparison between Pupil premium and Non-pupil premium.
Outcomes for those pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and therefore for PPF, are compared to outcomes for Non-FSM pupils. Looked After Children (LAC) and those who were adopted within the required time-frame in order to attract the additional funding are also tracked. This approach allows the greater flexibility necessary to be able to personalise the approach as needed.
The main barriers faced by eligible students at the school include; lower literacy and numeracy skills, which makes it difficult for them to access the curriculum. Some also suffer from low self-esteem and have not developed appropriate social skills and need to learn how to act in different situations. Due to the ‘needs’ of our students the initiatives to address these barriers are monitored throughout their implementation and reviewed throughout the academic year. The initiative/strategies identified in the attached documents are strategies which continue throughout a pupil’s journey form Year 7 to Sixth Form, where required.
PPF Intervention research and evidence
Stony Dean PPF 3 year Strategy
Stony Dean PPF 3 year Strategy 23 – 24
PPF and Recovery Funding 23-24
For more information about initiatives, impact and research please see document ‘PPF Intervention research and evidence’. Please see attached documents for initiatives and strategies and their analysis for each academic year.