Alternative Curriculum
PTT Overview
PTT identifies and recognises the individual needs of each pupil. Interventions, strategies and support are put in place to reduce anxiety and promote independence.
In PTT a programme of sensitive but persistent interventions, strategies and support is put in place to engage the individual pupil yet minimise regression and discover and develop potential. In this respect it is important that expectations are high but realistic based on careful assessment. This will include the strengths and individual needs of a person, their level of functioning and an assessment of the support they will need.
PTT provision
- To promote self-belief
- To maintain a safe, calm predictable environment
- To reduce anxiety
- To support inclusion
- To raise self-esteem
- To increase tolerance of others
- To build resilience
- Specialist, familiar, consistent staff
- Social groups
- Develop Independence, Communication and Emotional Regulation skills
- Time out
- Flexible approach to timetable
- Consolidate learning
- Develop and build upon individual strengths and talents
- To encourage and motivate
- Collaborative working with SALT team
- 1:1 support
- Personal tutorials (Talk time)
- Personalised timetables
- Independent work stations
- TEACCH Structure
- Alternative dining area
- Coping strategies
- Small group work
- Reflection
- Social skills
Overall aim is to give the pupils the tools to be able to recognise and manage their anxieties and therefore be able to reintegrate into whole class learning.
Our vision for The Hub is to be a supportive environment for students who find accessing the classroom challenging. We aim to incorporate the Stony Dean School visions and values in all that we do. We are a small team, using different strategies to make school a positive experience for our students.
The HUB can be used as a temporary or a permanent solution with access being reviewed regularly. Any learning or activities being accessed are related to their curriculum or EHCP outcomes.
Decisions made about accessing The HUB is a team approach. Discussions are had with the student and professionals at the school and a plan is created to ensure the student is supported in their learning. Any changes to a student’s timetable will be shared with parents/carers.
We like to use a positive, engaging and therapeutic approach in The HUB and students can access a range of activities to support their curriculum. Activities currently in the alternative curriculum:
- Cooking
- Personal Training
- Sports Coaching
- Fishing
- Art Therapy
- Bushcraft
- Music Therapy
- Community projects
- Work experience
- Animal Therapy
- ASDAN Life Skill Challenges
Our overall aim for The HUB is to motivate our students to achieve to the best their ability, to have high expectations of themselves and be positive members of the school and wider community.